Breakfast in Bed!
Hank and the boys decided to make Saturday my Mother's Day, because Hank had to go into work on Sunday. So I got to sleep in a little.

I woke up to two Power Rangers (and Hank) serving me breakfast in bed! Hank had made pancakes and bacon and brought me some chocolate milk. I ate in bed (such luxery!), and then the little Power Ranger waiters (pictured below)brought me some gifts.

After that, we did a few things around the house, then we called up my parent's to see if they wanted to meet us for some Mexican food.

The next stop on the Mother's Day express was swimming with my men.

We had such a good time... especially the boys. This was the first time they got to swim with Daddy, and he let them push him in (after which Mommy discussed AT GREAT LENGTH why we don't push ANYONE in!), and he caught them as they jumped off the diving board and slide. Bryant also decided to wake up a napping Grandaddy with a mouth full of water...

Then we went to see 'Fire House Dog' at the dollar theatre. That movie was SUPER good! I loved it! And the boys did too. This is the first movie they've been to see that didn't involve cartoon characters!
After that, I made Hank go use his Christmas gift certificate at the mall on some much-needed new shoes, then we headed home.
The boys still had to get Mother's Day presents ready for Grandma.

After that, the boys hit the tub... then hit the hay! It was a fantastic Mother's Day event for this mother!
Great Pictures! I'm glad you got a new camera! That is always a good gift! I have that same willow tree figure... someone gave it to me for Christmas in 2005 when I was pregnant with Chloe.
Looks like you did have a good day! Not everyone can say Power Rangers served them breakfast in bed!
That looks like an awesome Mother's Day. I'll be looking forward to all the pictures :)
Yes it is the chair. I got it for $2- I love it! She enjoys crawling up and down into it too.
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