Scooby Dooby Doo Par-Tay!
It was a long day, but a good one. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that I didn't get home from Women's Retreat until 1:30 am... then getting up around 7:15 to get the party ready!
We had the party at my parent's house, mainly in the garage because we thought it was gonna rain. It was stinkin' humid, but it didn't rain! We set up a little place where the kids could get their picture taken with an inflatable Scooby Doo.

Tonight we e-mailed personal thank you's to all our friends with pictures attached. I am SOOOO much better at e-mail than snail mail. The kids ran around, rode bikes and big wheels, played in the toy room, and just enjoyed being kids!

We fed them hot dogs, chips, cheese dip and tortilla chips, candy corn mixed with peanuts (taste like a Payday), and a lot of other extremely healthy foods!

Then Tres opened his presents, with a little help from all his friends. Then we had cake and ice cream. Then came the highlight of the party if you ask me. We had a Scooby Doo pinata and the kids got to whack at it!
It was so much fun to watch! Those kids were hitting and whacking and smacking and nailing that thing, and for a while it seemed like they weren't gonna get it to bust, but Tres finally hit it hard enough to spew candy everywhere and start a free for all! It was fun! Then we handed out goody bags and said good-bye to our frinds!
It was a great day! The only thing that mared the day was Alabama's loss in overtime to Arkansas... by 1 freakin' point. But the sun will rise tomorrow... so all is well! :)
I LOVE that top picture. Bryants smile cracks me up. They are so stinkin' cute. Just want to pinch those cheeks!!
I wish I could have been there. Thanks SO much for the invite. :)
I thought about Hank as I saw Arkansas kick some Tide butt!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
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