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Joyful Noise!

The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sunday the Fun day!

I loved Sunday!! We went to church... then my friend Jennifer Jones came home with us. We picked up Del Toro take out and ate at home (a very good way to do it when you got 2 noisy munchkins who are tired!). Then Hank ran a few errands while Jennifer and I talked for a while. Then she let me sing my song to her and practice my testimony. Then Hank and I got ready and headed out to meet the rest of 'el at church to run through our songs. This was our first engagement that we had tracks for our original stuff and it was so much fun!! Practice went great. Then we were on our way.
We sang at Cottondale United Methodist Church, just outside of Tuscaloosa. When we got there, we did a sound check. I can only speak for myself, but I was expecting the church to be bigger. They had told us when they booked us that on a regular Sunday night they had between 100-150 people. By ten till the time to start, only about 5 people were there. By the time we started, there were about 60 or so. It was great though! We knew we were there for a purpose. When I gave my testimony, one of those purposes became clear. A young lady sitting with what looked like college age kids, started crying.
Hank told me it was fun to watch from the back. He said that when we started, everyone was sitting on their hands it seemed. But by the end, everyone was tapping their toes and grooving a little with us! It was a success. They took up a love offering for us, and handed out a lot of cards! I got to give one with my number on it to the young lady who started crying. I hope she calls.


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