Reelin' 'em in!

I am so excited! Matt, Traci, and Olivia Tidmore are FINALLY moving back to Alabama! Traci and Matt both accepted positions in Huntsville and will be leaving Atlanta in two weeks! Traci called me yesterday and told me that they have found a house and Livvy is already enrolled in a good daycare. Most of Matt's family lives in Huntsville, so they are excited about getting some good fam-time in. That also brings them closer to Bham. Instead of 3 hours to go visit... there will only be 1 1/2 hours! Maybe in 2 or 3 more years, we can lure them back to Bham!! Hey Traci, there's a house on my street that's for sale... you want me to look into it for you? :)

I'm glad they are moving closer too!!! We all really need to get together!
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