Coming Attractions!

I need to apologize to my husband. Well, I already did that yesterday, so I guess I am setting the record straight! I had my panties in a wad, cause I thought he had forgotten Mother's Day. I didn't get a card from him or anything, so I was pretty much giving him attitude. We finally talked it through yesterday, and he told he that he couldn't give me my present yet. He wants to take me to see 'The Lion King' at the Birmingham BJCC when it comes to town in September!! Hw also wants to take me out to dinner. What an awesome present... not only a cool play, but quality time with my husband. I love you honey!

Also to set the record straight, her husband tried to let her know what he was doing for her but she told him to wait till he had something, not just tell her what he had planned so he never told her what he was doing even though he begged her to let him tell her. You are the greatest mommy and deserve a great Mother's Day. It will just be your very own Mother's Day in September. I chose this because you love plays and things like this. I'm still very much in love (and lust,sorry if that bothers anyone) with you. Your husband, Hank
I'm glad you got a Mom's day present! Way to go Hank!!! I would love to go the 'Lion King.'
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