The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

- Mom
- Traci
- Crystal
- Nicole
- Ms. Vickie
- Jeni
- Eric
- Tiffani
- Jennifer
- Hankie
- Staci
- Dan's Xanga
- Israel's Xanga
- Maria's Xanga
- 'el myspace
- Bible Gateway
- Nicole Tidmore
- Danielle Bussey
- This was the night I watched Luke and Sierra! I w...
- Bug-B-Gone!
- Babysitter Extraordinaire!
- (This is what we mailed to our family and close f...
- Here is Tres and Bryant's annual picture with Sant...
- Here's a little Bryant progress report! He is cra...
- Bryant is now eating finger foods (the evidence is...
- We made a family trip to the mall last night to se...
- Bryant was distracted by just about everything! I...
- Tres was distracted by this airplane ornament. He...

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