Image and video hosting by TinyPic Joyful Noise!: Man, what a weekend!

Joyful Noise!

The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Man, what a weekend!

This weekend was C-R-A-Z-Y! Hank and I made a last minute decision to go to Nashville Friday night. We were delivering the Master CD and cover design to the company that will be duplicating and packaging it. That company just happens to be owned and operated by Hank's best friend, Danny! So anyway, we headed up there Friday and got in to my in-laws house about 10. Visited for a little while, then headed to bed. We got up and had breakfast with the Boemers. Then we went out to Mr. B's airport hanger to see the progress on his plane... he is building one! Can you believe that! It will be flight worthy soon. I'll try to post a picture if Hank leaves the camera with me. The boys had fun watching planes land and take-off. Bryant was so cute waving at them! After that, we had a quick lunch at Mc Donalds to let the kids play off some energy. We got them back to the house and settled for naps, and then Hank and I headed over to Danny & Jackie's house.
This whole process has been quite interesting. There are all kinds of formats and programs that need to be used to design the cover and the inside jackets. Specific dimensions for each... legal jargon... layer after layer of design to make it look just right! But I am confident that we will have an awesome finished product. At any rate, it is out of my hands at this point, and I have to say that I am a little relieved!
Once we did some work, we ordered pizza and stuff for dinner and played a game on Danny's X-box. I can't remember the name, but basically the objective of the game is to crash and do the most damage. It was fun and addictive. On the way home, Hank said, "I feel like I should crash into something!" After we visited for a while, Hank and I headed home loaded the van, sleeping kids and all, and headed back home at about 9:30. We got home a little before 1.
Sunday was much easier! We went to church, then came home. I cooked us some lunch, and we all took naps. I did some light cleaning (this will be my main focus this week!), then played with the boys for a while. Hank had to work a late shift last night, so it was just me and boys after 7. At about 8:30 both boys, whom I can only imagine were exhausted, were asleep. I took the oppotunity to pray and thank God for this dream He has given me. Then I relaxed and eventually fell asleep!
That's my story and I'm stickin to it!


Blogger Vickie said...

I just listened to the demos on 'el and all I can say is "WOW"!!!!

I most definately want a cd. You girls are sound amazing. You always have. Love ya!!

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! Good job!

9:40 AM  

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