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Joyful Noise!

The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Reunion with old Friends!

This past Friday, I got to catch up with some old high school/college friends. Amy Lee (Brom) Tate was in town visiting her parents so we planned a get together. She lives in Florida where her husband, Jeff, is a pastor. They have 2 little girls Kaylin and Annlee. Angela (Jones) Rush is staying with her parent's in Alabaster while her husband gets things set up in Atlanta for a new ministry opportunity. She has a 4 year old boy named Noah, and an almost 2 year old named Annalyse. Tonnie was unable to come because she had to take Sierra to the doctor! We missed her!

Amy Lee's mom and sister came along. My mom stopped by to pick up Bryant. And Angela's mom brought Annalyse over after she had woken up from a nap, so we got to see all the familiar faces from high school days. And while we were there, we ran into Mr. Derryberry... our history teacher from high school who always smelled of coffee and cigars. Ah... the good ole days!

I had such a good time, even though it was limited, just being about to touch base with some old friends. This May will be our 10 year high school reunion (although we haven't heard of any concrete plans). Since we all took a senior trip to the beach together after we graduated... we are thinking of making plans next summer for a reunion of our own! I can't wait!


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