Three Months Old!
Ava Sophia will be 3 months on Wednesday! Can you believe it? Sometimes I can't. At times, having another baby seems really easy and laid-back. And at other times, it can make me crazy! But this little angel has done nothing but add joy to our lives. She is so sweet and pretty. She smiles and coos a lot, and I especially love it when she crinkles up her nose when she's smiling!

She has been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks now! Yeah!! She goes to bed about 8 or 9 and sleeps until 5 or 6, then she eats and goes back to sleep until 8 or 9. I think she'll even drop that early morning feeding soon. She still sleeps in the co-sleeper by our bed and I think she will until she drops that early morning feeding! I had her in her crib until she went to the hospital, then I just wanted her close to me.
When I took her in for her two month check-up she had a little cold, so she didn't get her shots, but she did weigh 10 pounds!!!!! And she was 22 inches long. She is getting too long for her newborn sleepers now. And that makes me sad! :(
Labels: Ava Sophia
Madeleine has that smile outfit. it is so cute. call me so we can get together.
I love that shirt!! She is sooo sweet.....ok, not sweet cause that is what you say when the baby isn't cute. Lily is 6 weeks and I weighed her today and she is 9.11 so she is almost 10 pounds....she might be able to take Ava this summer :) Tell Ava Aunt Mel will bring Lily's bows this Summer and Lily will share.
Pictures are great...
Looks like Ava & Lily will whoop up my lil man Jax. he's yet to hit the 10 pound mark! But he is 22 inches long.
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